Training and inception workshop on strengthening implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, developing a registration system, establishing a committee and preparing a NAP

Djibouti, Djibouti from 25 November to 27 November 2024

Highlights: The Rotterdam Convention (RC) on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure (PIC) for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade is a legally binding multilateral environmental agreement, which entered into force in 2004. The Republic of Djibouti ratified the Rotterdam Convention in 2004. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development through the Directorate of Environment (DE/MEDD) has expressed the need for technical assistance for the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention. In particular, Djibouti has expressed the need for support to strengthen the capacities of national stakeholders for the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, the creation of a national committee for the management of chemicals and hazardous waste, the strengthening of the legal framework, the development of a registration system, and the updating of the National Action Plan (NAP) for the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in Djibouti. The BRS Secretariat and the MEDD have therefore launched a project responding to the needs raised and aimed at strengthening the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in Djibouti. This project, funded by the European Union (EU), will be implemented by the MEDD with the support of the BRS Secretariat.

Organizers: MEDD Djibouti in cooperation with the BRS Secretariat.

Working language: French

Meeting objectives: With the overall objective of the project to strengthen Djibouti’s capacity to implement the Rotterdam Convention, the workshop has the following specific objectives: To strengthen the knowledge and implementation of the Convention by national actors; and to initiate work to strengthen the legal and institutional framework and to establish a registration system.

Target audience: Representatives of relevant government entities, the private sector, academia, and civil society.

Workshop documents

Items: 2Load time table: 405.6159 msec
Concept note and agenda276.09 K
Report 907.94 K

Contact information

For more information on the meeting, please contact Jost Dittkrist (