Inception Workshop- Training on the Rotterdam Convention (RC), Import Responses (IRs), Final Regulatory Actions (FRAs) and Severely Hazardous Pesticides Formulations (SHPFs) Article 6 for Designated National Authorities (DNAs) and enumerators

Workshop Documents


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  • Provided training and discussed methodology in plenary, pre- tested in working groups
  • Tested methodology in the field with farmers in Gala Estate farm in Lilongwe District (tobacco and macadamia nut production)
  • Adapted questionnaire to local conditions based on the participants’ desiderata and feedback from the field test
  • Presented SHPF form and article 6 and explained the importance of collecting good field data for presenting an SHPF proposal at the end of the process
  • Drafted work plan for startup of the activities in mid-August and complete the field survey at the end of October; November will be dedicated to the data analysis and report writing; National data validation workshop will be in early December.

Contact Information

For questions, please contact Rotterdam Convention Designated National Authority for Malawi, Ms. Carol Theka,

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