National workshop to strengthen capacities for the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in Colombia

Working documents


Items: 1Load time table: 468.0099 msec
Agenda1.01 MB


  • Increased understanding of the obligations under the Rotterdam Convention, notably for (i) submission of import responses and (ii) information requirements for the notification of Final Regulatory Actions (FRAs).
  • Improved knowledge of methodologies to monitor and collect information to report human health and environmental incidents caused by SHPF.
  • Strengths and areas of opportunity to support the national system for evaluation and registration pesticides identified.
  • Enhanced knowledge of pesticide risk assessment as a tool to support informed decision-making
  • Technical assistance needs identified to continue strengthening national capacities to better address and report SHPF-related incidents.

Contact Information

For more information on the meeting please write to Mario Yarto: