Intersessional Task Group work between the seventeenth and eighteenth meetings of the Committee

Intersessional Task Groups are established by the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) to undertake an initial assessment of candidate chemicals tentatively scheduled for consideration by the CRC.

Each Intersessional Task Group prepares a report, which includes its assessment of whether the individual notifications meet the criteria set out in Annex II to the Rotterdam Convention. The notifications are available below. The initial review by the Intersessional Task Groups is intended to facilitate the work of the Committee and does not replace the requirement for each of the notifications of candidate chemicals to be considered by the entire Committee.

This intersessional work is being advanced to February till May 2022, taking into account that the terms of office of 17 of the Committee’s members were extended until the closure of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in June 2022. As such, there would not be sufficient time between this date and the Committee’s meeting to effectively carry out the intersessional work.

The draft reports that posted on this page will be finalized at the task group pre-meetings, to be held prior to the Committee’s eighteenth meeting. The Task Group pre-meetings are open to all Committee members as well as to observers registered to participate in the eighteenth meeting of the CRC. The final reports from the Task Groups will be made available to the whole Committee as electronic Conference Room Papers (CRPs) for the meeting.

Pre-meeting schedule

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Roma

Sunday, 18 September 2022:

  • 10:15-12:30: Task Group 1 on carbaryl, amitrole in Ethiopia room (C-289)
  • 10:00-12:30: Task Group 3 on chlorfenvinphos, thiodicarb, methyl bromide in Green Room (A-121)
  • 14:00-16:30: Task Group 2 on carbon tetrachloride, mirex in Ethiopia Room (C-289)
  • 14:00-16:30: Task Group 4 on methidathion, methyl parathion, paraquat in Green Room (A-121)

Download the updated tentative schedule of pre-meetings.

Draft Task Group Reports


Items: 12Load time table: 483.679 msec
Intersessional Task Group report on Amitrole_Ecuador41.12 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Carbaryl_Mozambique, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Türkiye57.54 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Carbon tetrachloride_Ecuador48.19 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Chlorfenvinphos_Türkiye38.43 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Methidathion_Türkiye34.24 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Methyl bromide_Indonesia37.36 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Methyl parathion_Indonesia39.57 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Methyl bromide_Colombia55.62 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Mirex_Ecuador98.5 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Mirex_Indonesia99.5 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Paraquat_Mozambique and Malayisa408.45 K
Intersessional Task Group report on Thiodicarb_Türkiye37.82 K

CRC-17 Task Group Reports

The below task group reports were prepared at the CRC-17 task group pre-meetings. Consideration of these notifications of final regulatory action is to continue at CRC-18.


Items: 2Load time table: 514.8515 msec
Task Group report on chlorfenvinphos_Mozambique_Norway45.46 K
Task Group report on methyl parathion_China_Uruguay905.48 K 369.77 K