Rome, Italy, 19-21 March 2024
Venue: FAO Headquarters, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy.
Highlights: The second meeting of the Compliance Committee considered the outcomes of consultations with Parties that had not designated national authorities in accordance with Article 4. The Committee considered for the first time a specific submission related to the lack of designation of national authority by one Party. It also adopted templates for specific submissions by Parties.
It continued its work related to the review of systemic issues of general compliance set out in its work programmes for 2022-2023 and 2024-2025, adopted by the Conference of the Parties. This included: laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Convention, notifications of final regulatory actions, exports and imports of Annex III chemicals; Export notifications; Information exchange; Information submission; and Enhanced cooperation with the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee.The Committee made a number of recommendations to the Conference of the Parties in relation to the review of systemic issues of general compliance.
The Committee agreed to suspend its second meeting and to resume in an online session at a time to be organised by the Chair in consultation with the Secretariat.
Organizer: Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention
Working Language: English