Miembros del CEPQ

El Comité de Examen de Productos Químicos está integrado por 31 expertos designados por los gobiernos, procedentes de las regiones de la siguiente manera:

  • Estados de África: 8
  • Estados de Asia y el Pacífico: 8
  • Centroamérica y Estados de Europa Oriental: 3
  • América Latina y el Caribe: 5
  • Estados de Europa occidental y otros Estados: 7

Los miembros del Comité son expertos en gestión de productos químicos designados por los gobiernos. La Conferencia de las Partes confirma el nombramiento de los expertos designados por las Partes, sobre la base de una distribución geográfica equitativa, teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de un equilibrio entre los diferentes tipos de especialidad

Cada miembro es elegido por un mandato de cuatro años a partir de la fecha de nombramiento, por no más de dos mandatos consecutivos.

Los términos de referencia del Comité de Examen de Productos Químicos figura en la decisión RC-1/6. Cada miembro del comité firma una declaración de intereses que figura en la decisión RC-1/7 antes de participar en los trabajos del Comité. El formulario de declaración de intereses está disponible aquí.






Document SymbolTitleDownload
Items: 15 Files: 30
RC-1/6Establishment of the Chemical Review Committee86.5 K26.97 K
RC-1/7Rules and procedures for preventing and dealing with conflicts of interest relating to the activities of the Chemical Review Committee66.5 K34.48 K
RC-2/1Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Chemical Review Committee54 K15.59 K
RC-3/1Confirmation of the appointment of the expert designated to the Chemical Review Committee by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo42 K9.13 K
RC-3/2Nomination of Governments to designate experts for the Chemical Review Committee42.5 K8.73 K
RC-4/2Confirmation of the appointments of government-designated experts as members of the Chemical Review51.5 K14.54 K
RC-4/3Nomination of Governments to designate experts for the Chemical Review Committee46 K8.89 K
RC-5/6Confirmation of the appointments of government-designated experts as members of the Chemical Review Committee41 K49.73 K
RC-5/7Nomination of Governments to designate experts for the Chemical Review Committee32 K43.48 K
RC-6/3Operation of the Chemical Review Committee33.5 K13.35 K
RC-7/3Operation of the Chemical Review Committee16.44 K16.72 K
RC-8/1Operation of the Chemical Review Committee20.37 K158.6 K
RC-9/2Operation of the Chemical Review Committee17.5 K103.3 K
RC-10/5Operation of the Chemical Review Committee18.29 K162.21 K
RC-11/2Operation of the Chemical Review Committee20.32 K14.41 K

Curriculum vitae des membres


Document SymbolTitleEnglish
Items: 22  
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.2/INF/5Confirmation of experts designated for Chemical Review Committee2.91 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.3/INF/6Qualification of experts of the Chemical Review Committee740 K 952.97 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.4/INF/6Qualification of experts of the Chemical Review Committee8.6 MB 4.03 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.5/INF/4/Rev.1Information pertaining to experts serving on the Chemical Review Committee19.9 MB 5.72 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.6/INF/3/Rev.1Designated members of the Chemical Review Committee18.72 MB 8.83 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.8/INF/52Curricula vitae of newly appointed members of the Chemical Review Committee1.34 MB 1.01 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.9/INF/4Information on the rotation of the membership and experts nominated as members of the Chemical Review Committee3.59 MB 2.46 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.9/INF/4/Rev.1Curricula vitae of appointed members of the Chemical Review Committee36.7 MB 43.16 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.9/INF/50Curriculum vitae of a newly designated member of the Chemical Review Committee111.07 K 181.07 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.10/INF/3Newly designated members of the Chemical Review Committee and forthcoming rotation of the membership in May 2016 (reissued for technical reasons)492.5 K 294.7 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.10/INF/4/Rev.1Curricula vitae of candidates nominated for appointment during the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties as members of the Chemical Review Committee29.42 MB 7.49 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.10/INF/4/Rev.2Curricula vitae of appointed members of the Chemical Review Committee32.04 MB 10.99 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.11/INF/3Newly designated members of the Chemical Review Committee and forthcoming rotation of the membership in May 20162.4 MB 1.09 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.11/INF/5/Rev.1Curricula vitae of candidates nominated for appointment during the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties as members of the Chemical Review Committee11.79 MB 10.15 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.11/INF/5/Rev.2Curricula vitae of appointed members of the Chemical Review Committee21.97 MB 22.11 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.12/INF/3/Rev.1Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee442.5 K 439.62 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.13/INF/4Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee4.17 MB 3.51 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.14/INF/3/Rev.1Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee7.23 MB 7.92 MB
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.15/INF/3Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee146.34 K 342.8 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.16/INF/3Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee125.25 K 236.07 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.17/INF/4Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee229.37 K 263.44 K
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.18/INF/3Information on the rotation of the membership of the Chemical Review Committee678.56 K 629.73 K