Multi-stakeholder workshop on a national road map for paraquat dichloride management in Indonesia and implementation of the Rotterdam Convention

Workshop documents

Items: 1Load time table: 436.7952 msec
Report 800.82 K


  • Clear understanding of the Rotterdam Convention, its scope, obligations and benefits, as well as the fact that listing under the Rotterdam Convention does not constitute a global ban of the listed chemical;
  • Raised awareness among all national stakeholders on the status of paraquat dichloride formulations as a candidate chemical to be listed under Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention as SHPF and its implication to Indonesia once listed;
  • Facilitated information exchange on the availability and use of alternative weeds management practices without paraquat dichloride;
  • A national roadmap developed for the paraquat dichloride management with the objectives to gradually reduce its use;
  • With the development of the roadmap, Indonesia would consider supporting the inclusion of paraquat dichloride formulations in the Annex III at COP-10;
  • Strengthened the capacity of DNAs to implement the Rotterdam Convention and related obligations under the Convention in collaboration with relevant national stakeholders.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact Ms. Christine Fuell