Final Validation Workshop on the Field Survey Results on SHPFs Poisoning Cases in Malawi

Workshop Documents

Items: 3Load time table: 358.7467 msec
List of participants50 K
Dissemination of field survey86.04 K
Report534 K


The field survey was carried out in the following regions of Malawi, Northern Region: Mzimba; Central Region: Dedza, Lilongwe and Salima; Southern Region: Balaka, Zomba Chikwawa and Thyolo; A total of 1157 small holder farmers were interviewed with 59% being women and 41% men. Average land holding for these farmers was 2.14 hectares. Out of the 1157 farmers interviewed the percentage/number of farmers using pesticides was 85.99 %. The types of pesticides in use recorded were: insecticides: 81.8%; fungicides: 16.8; herbicides: 6.8%; rodenticides: 3.2; 16% of farmers claimed to use protective clothing (No complete PPE) and 75% used usual clothes. Unusual signs or symptoms after exposure to pesticides: 76% reported unusual signs and of these; eye irritation 21%) skin irritation (46%) cough (34%), headache (13%). The route of pesticide exposure by exposed farmers was: Skin: 40%; Mouth: 4%; Inhalation: 26%; Eye: 3%. Pesticides commonly used by exposed farmers; Cypermethrin- 75%; Actellic and Shumba Super Dust – 45%; others include Dithane Karate and Dudu. 282 cases of pesticide poisoning were recorded.

Contact Information

DNA for the Rotterdam Convention, Ms Carol Theka, Environmental Affairs Department,