Joint Training Workshop on Pesticides Inspection and Customs Issues in the Caribbean Saint

Workshop documents


Items: 2Load time table: 343.2115 msec
Agenda73.4 K
List of participants114.61 K


The workshop brought together over thirty participants from nine Caribbean countries, mostly representing customs and pesticide inspections. The workshop addressed the issues related to the role of the pesticides Inspectors and types of pesticides inspections, the role of customs and border control for imported pesticides, discussed how to best control import and export pesticides and investigate health and environmental Incidents. Furthermore, participants were introduced to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, their import, transit and export procedures as set out by the conventions and to the enforcement mechanisms of the Conventions and tools and materials.

As designed as train-the-trainer workshop, participants have also had an opportunity to participate in the interactive exercises and make their own presentations.

Contact Information

For questions regarding the meeting please contact Tatiana Terekhova (