Specific submissions activities

The Committee is currently considering a specific submission related to the lack of designation of national authority by one Party.


Party self submission

At this time, no Party has made use of the possibility under paragraph 12 of Annex VII to make a submission due to it believing it is or will be unable to fully implement or comply with certain obligations under the Convention.

Party-to Party submission

At this time, no Party has made use of the possibility under paragraph 13 of Annex VII to make a submission regarding another Party. In line with paragraph 13, a Party that is directly affected or likely to be directly affected by another Party’s alleged failure to comply with its obligations may initiate a submission. Before making its submission, the Party must undertake consultations with the other Party.

Committee submission

The Committee may also assess possible difficulties by a Party with specific obligations to transmit certain information to the Secretariat (on designated national authorities (Article 4(1)), final regulatory action notifications (Article 5(1) and (2)) and import responses (Article 10).
Reference Party Submission Committee’s findings



Decision CC-1/1

Decision CC-2/1

Specific submissions regarding Party compliance

By decision RC-11/5, by which it approved the programme of work for the Committee for the biennium 2024-2025, the Conference of the Parties decided that:

  1. The Committee shall continue to accord priority to dealing with specific submissions regarding Party compliance received or initiated in accordance with paragraph 12 of Annex VII to the Convention.
  2. The Committee shall explore lessons from implementation and compliance bodies of other multilateral environmental agreements that could inform the initiation of the work of the Committee pursuant to paragraph 13 of Annex VII to the Convention.