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Final Report of Rotterdam Convention COP-9 now online
The report of the ninth meeting of the conference of parties is now available online in the six UN languages.
Sub-regional workshop on pesticides equivalence builds capacity amongst Parties in Latin America
More than 50 government officials from 10 different countries and representatives of the private sector gathered recently in Buenos Aires. A new partnership between the Rotterdam Convention, industry associations and national registration authorities is envisaged. See the Argentinian government&rsqu...
UN experts recommend stricter trade measures for PFOA
Read the BRS Press Release summarising outcomes of the 15th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention, which concluded 10 October 2019 at FAO headquarters in Rome.
More than 100 participants attend regional meeting to boost implementation of the Basel and Rotterdam conventions in Africa
Dakar, Senegal, hosts a capacity-building workshop for governments and other stakeholders working towards the sound management of chemicals and waste, including plastic waste. Funding support kindly provided by the Government of France.
Amendments to add two new chemicals to the Rotterdam Convention enter into force on 16 September
The amendments to list hexabromocyclododecane and phorate in Annex III enter into force on 16 September 2019. Parties are invited to provide import responses by 16 June 2020.
Four new chemicals to be considered for Rotterdam Convention listing: background preliminary documents now online
The Chemical Review Committee (CRC-15) meets from 8 to 10 October in Rome and will consider four new chemicals. Parties and Observers are now invited to comment.
Meeting report from the recent Rotterdam Convention COP now available
The meeting report of the recent COP-9 meeting is now accessible (advance English version).
Follow-up to RC COP-9 decisions on sound management of chemicals
Parties and observers are kindly asked to respond to requests from the recent COP for follow-up to decisions taken in May.
Funding support available for sound management of chemicals and waste
The French government’s new fund supports activities in support of the global chemicals conventions in developing countries, and has a deadline for project proposals of 4 October 2019.
Behind the Scenes at the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions 2019 COPs - video
Watch the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions “Behind the Scenes” video for a better understanding of how the Triple COPs work.
Latest edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online in English, French and Spanish
The BRS Secretariat is proud to publish Edition XLIX of the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Circular, a key mechanism for the exchange of information on hazardous chemicals.
Highlights of the 2019 BRS COPs captured on video
Watch key parts of the Triple COPs, including the moment Parties decided, by consensus, to amend the Basel Convention to tackle plastic wastes.
New era for plastic waste management as governments agree landmark actions on chemicals and waste
The 2019 Triple COPs concluded successfully with a raft of decisions to protect human health and the environment from the harmful effects of chemicals and wastes, including plastic waste.
2019 Triple COPs open in Geneva: for a Clean Planet & Healthy People
Read the opening day BRS press release, outlining what to expect from the 2019 meetings of the conferences of parties to the Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions.
1.6 million deaths could be prevented annually through the sound management of chemicals and waste
To mark World Health Day on 7th April, read the BRS Secretariat’s Press Release calling for greater action to prevent illness and death from unsound management of chemicals and waste.
Bring your own bottle to reduce the footprint of the 2019 Triple COPs – for a Clean Planet, Healthy People!
To reduce plastic waste at the meetings of the conferences of the Parties, arrangements have been made with the venue and catering service to minimize the use of plastic take-out containers, sandwich bags, cutlery and cups. Delegates are therefore invited to bring reusable drinking containers (mugs,...
Regional meetings in Brno and Montevideo continue Triple COPs preparations
With thanks to Norway and Switzerland for funding support, BRS regional preparatory meetings continue this week in Brno, Czech Republic and in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Regional preparations for Triple COPs continue with African meeting in Nairobi, Kenya
With thanks to Norway and Switzerland for funding support, African countries come together in Nairobi, 18 to 20 March, to prepare for the 2019 Triple COPs.
Women disproportionately vulnerable to health risks from chemical and waste pollution
To mark International Women’s Day, read our new Press Release on why women and girls are more likely than men to suffer adverse effects from chemicals and waste.
BRS Secretariat contributes to UNEA-4 in promoting sound management of chemicals and wastes
The Secretariat is participating in more than 10 events, has submitted numerous background documents, and stages 2 exhibitions throughout the 4th UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, 11 to 15 March.
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