All activities

Clean Planet, Healthy People: All pre-session working documents now online
All working documents for the 2019 COPs, and most information documents, are now available online.
The latest BRS Newsletter is now online: all the news for a Clean Planet, Healthy People
A must-read for all those interested in, or working towards, the sound management of chemicals and waste.
UN agencies in Geneva join forces to reduce, re-use, recycle & refuse
BRS Secretariat, UN Environment and the UN Office at Geneva urge international Geneva to minimize single-use plastics.
As preparation for the 2019 Triple COPs, the outcomes of the Joint Bureaux meeting are now online
The report of the joint meeting of the COPs bureaux, held in Geneva from 15 to 16 November 2018, is now available online.
BRS Secretariat marks International Day of Women & Girls in Science
Meet the BRS Science & Technical Assistance Branch, which has female staff from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, & Latin America, all working for a Clean Planet & Healthy People.
The 2019 Triple COPs are coming!
Read the new BRS Blog to find out how the COPs will contribute to a clean planet and healthy people.
First batch of pre-session documents, including budget documents for consideration by the COPs, now online
Pre-session documents for the 2019 COPs, including the proposed programmes of work and budgets for the conventions for 2020-2021, are now available.
Chemicals and waste “Information Fair” at the 2019 BRS Triple COPs
Apply for space at the Information Fair, 2 to 4 May, to showcase products, processes or partnerships which improve implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.
Four joint regional meetings to help Parties prepare for the 2019 Triple COPs
Regional preparatory meetings for the 2019 COPs will be held throughout March 2019, jointly with meetings on the Minamata Convention & SAICM. Invitation letters for the meetings have been sent out.
Outcomes online of the 14th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee
The final version of the CRC-14 meeting report is now available in all United Nations languages.
PIC Circular XLVIII now available
The latest version of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular is now available online.
Regional workshop in Kyrgyzstan builds government capacities for implementing Rotterdam Convention
Officials from 10 countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus were trained during an FAO workshop in Bishkek, 19 to 23 November.
Vanuatu the latest country to accede to the Rotterdam Convention, to protect human health and the environment
Vanuatu has become the 161st Party to the Rotterdam Convention, with entry into force on 14 January 2019.
Joint meeting of the bureaux of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
The bureaux will meet on 15 and 16 November 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss preparations for the 2019 triple COPs.
Outcomes of the 14th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee now online
The advance English version of the CRC-14 meeting report is now available.
Compliance - Parties notified of a proposal to amend the Rotterdam Convention by adding a new annex
Written comments are invited by 31 December 2018, on a proposal for COP-9 to add a new Annex VII to the Convention covering compliance procedures and mechanisms.
Parties notified of proposals for listing additional chemicals to Rotterdam Convention's Annex III
Written comments are invited by 31 December 2018, on proposals for the next COP to amend Annex III to bring additional chemicals under prior informed consent procedure.
BRS Regional information sessions series concludes with Latin America and Caribbean meeting in Lima, Peru
Regional information sessions, throughout October, are staged back-to-back with Minamata Convention COP-2 preparatory meetings.
BRS participates in the 21st Ministerial Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean in Buenos Aires, 11 to 12 October
BRS Executive Secretary moderates the “Ministerial Dialogue on Innovative Solutions to Detoxify our Environment” on marine plastic litter and sound management of chemicals & waste.
News on actions to tackle marine plastic litter, chemicals & wastes, just a click away
Read the BRS Newsletter, now online, to keep up with actions for a clean planet and healthy people.
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