News Features

Capacity-building workshops throughout November for Caribbean & Latin American Designated National Authorities
Sessions in English on 2, 8, 10, 15, 22, 24 and 29 November give an overview of pesticide risk assessment, evaluation, and regulation.

Capacity-building workshops throughout November for Caribbean & Latin American Designated National Authorities

Capacity-building workshops throughout November for Caribbean & Latin American Designated National Authorities
UN Palais des Nations in Geneva turns green as key climate change talks begin at COP-26, 1 November 2021
Landmark building illuminated by Basel Convention green to highlight links between climate change and chemicals and waste, including plastic waste.

UN Palais des Nations in Geneva turns green as key climate change talks begin at COP-26, 1 November 2021

UN Palais des Nations in Geneva turns green as key climate change talks begin at COP-26, 1 November 2021
Grenada becomes the 165th Party to the Rotterdam Convention
Rotterdam Convention continues to move towards universal coverage as Grenada deposits its instrument of accession, with entry into force on 13 January, 2022.

Grenada becomes the 165th Party to the Rotterdam Convention

Grenada becomes the 165th Party to the Rotterdam Convention
National workshop on implementing the Rotterdam Convention in Nepal, online from 30 September to 25 October 2021
The workshop features multiple sessions including training, capacity-building, dialogue between stakeholders and the identification of key elements of a national implementation plan.

National workshop on implementing the Rotterdam Convention in Nepal, online from 30 September to 25 October 2021

National workshop on implementing the Rotterdam Convention in Nepal, online from 30 September to 25 October 2021
Rotterdam Convention webinars in Spanish & English on alternatives to paraquat dichloride in weed management
Join the webinar on Thursday 30 September, aimed at Designated National Authorities and other interested stakeholders.

Rotterdam Convention webinars in Spanish & English on alternatives to paraquat dichloride in weed management

Rotterdam Convention webinars in Spanish & English on alternatives to paraquat dichloride in weed management
Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee meets for 17th time, online from 20 to 24 September, 2021
CRC-17 brings together scientists from around the world, online, with a busy agenda including the review of notifications of final regulatory actions for hazardous chemicals.

Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee meets for 17th time, online from 20 to 24 September, 2021

Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee meets for 17th time, online from 20 to 24 September, 2021
Online Segment of 2021 Triple COPs successfully concludes with key decisions adopted
More than 1,300 representatives from more than 160 countries agree key decisions to keep work towards sound management of chemicals and waste on track.

Online Segment of 2021 Triple COPs successfully concludes with key decisions adopted

Online Segment of 2021 Triple COPs successfully concludes with key decisions adopted
2021 Triple COPs convened online with more than 1,000 delegates, 26 to 30 July
Read the official press release as more than 150 countries join the online segment of the 2021 meetings of the Conferences of Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam, & Stockholm conventions.

2021 Triple COPs convened online with more than 1,000 delegates, 26 to 30 July

2021 Triple COPs convened online with more than 1,000 delegates, 26 to 30 July
BRS Triple COPs: Technical trials for registered participants of the online segment of the COPs, ahead of the meetings
Officially registered participants are invited to join technical trials on 21 July and 22 July to become familiar with the use of the meeting platforms.

BRS Triple COPs: Technical trials for registered participants of the online segment of the COPs, ahead of the meetings

BRS Triple COPs: Technical trials for registered participants of the online segment of the COPs, ahead of the meetings
Triple COPs 2021: Working documents, including budget documents for consideration by the COPs, available online in the 6 UN languages
Pre-session documents for the online segment of the Triple COPs, including the proposed interim programmes of work & proposed budgets for the conventions for 2022, now available.

Triple COPs 2021: Working documents, including budget documents for consideration by the COPs, available online in the 6 UN languages

Triple COPs 2021: Working documents, including budget documents for consideration by the COPs, available online in the 6 UN languages
Journalists: Cover the 2021 Triple COPs on the sound management of chemicals and waste
Accreditation process now open for correspondents seeking to attend the meetings of the Conferences of Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions, (online segment) from 26 to 30 July 2021.

Journalists: Cover the 2021 Triple COPs on the sound management of chemicals and waste

Journalists: Cover the 2021 Triple COPs on the sound management of chemicals and waste
53d edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online
Key document on Prior Informed Consent issued for 53d time, sharing information to assist and inform Parties for better decision-making regarding pesticides and chemicals.

53d edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online

53d edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online
Online workshop for Designated National Authorities highlights the importance of information exchange for implementing the Rotterdam Convention (in Spanish, from 8 June to 1 July 2021)
Capacity building workshop to strengthen capacities of DNAs in Spanish speaking countries for the notification of Final Regulatory Actions and submission of Import Responses under the Rotterdam Convention.

Online workshop for Designated National Authorities highlights the importance of information exchange for implementing the Rotterdam Convention (in Spanish, from 8 June to 1 July 2021)

Online workshop for Designated National Authorities highlights the importance of information exchange for implementing the Rotterdam Convention (in Spanish, from 8 June to 1 July 2021)
The UN International Day of Biodiversity marked as BRS participates in the second Global Biodiversity Festival
Join Rolph Payet and 150 other eminent speakers at the online Global BioFest, 20 to 23 May 2021.

The UN International Day of Biodiversity marked as BRS participates in the second Global Biodiversity Festival

The UN International Day of Biodiversity marked as BRS participates in the second Global Biodiversity Festival
Online regional preparations for the online segment of the 2021 COPs begin with the African and Eastern European meetings
With thanks to Norway and Switzerland for funding support, African and Eastern European countries come together online in May, to prepare for the online segment of the 2021 COPs.

Online regional preparations for the online segment of the 2021 COPs begin with the African and Eastern European meetings

Online regional preparations for the online segment of the 2021 COPs begin with the African and Eastern European meetings
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