Capacity development workshop for agricultural extension workers in Ashanti region on child labour prevention, OSH and improving pesticides management in the cocoa sector and beyond

Workshop documents


Items: 2Load time table: 374.4653 msec
Agenda187.13 K
Report 2.36 MB


  • Delivered a two-day “Capacity development workshop for agricultural extension workers in Ashanti region on child labour prevention, OSH and improving pesticides management in the cocoa sector and beyond” in Kumasi (23-24 October 2019) using different facilitation skills and methodologies.
  • Delivered presentation on child labour and raised awareness on the topic of hazardous work by FAO, GAWU and MoFA.
  • Raised awareness and built capacities on risks posed by pesticides and the impact on the most affected vulnerable groups. Highlighted the role of the technical assistance under the art. 6 and the great importance of SHPF tooklit to monitor and report cases of poisoning
  • Presented the innovative tools on pesticides management and OSH jointly developed by ESP and AGP and trained the Agricultural extension agents (AEAs) on the facilitation visual tool ”Protect children from pesticides!” with different simulations and practical exercises.
  • Mapping through five working groups’ discussion on the national challenges on OSH and the proposed locally found or expected solutions (first day): 7 macro-areas identified: a) weak law enforcement, b) access to education, c) knowledge and information, d) resources and training, e)institutional collaboration, e) poverty – livelihood, e) social -family dynamics, f) community actions.
  • Outcomes of the five working groups of the second day on: 1) what can agricultural extension officers do to eliminate hazardous child labour within their current works? 2) How can agricultural extension officers can sensitize farmers on reducing risks of pesticides and promoting alternatives approaches? What information should be provided? 3) How will capacity development training will reach the community level?
  • Presentation on IPM and alternatives to hazardous chemicals delivered by PPRSD Ashtanti region officer
  • Presented 6-months workplan for including child labour prevention, OSH measures and pesticide exposure in their work as agricultural extension agents (available soon in the final report)

Contact Information

For further information, please contact Ms. Nadia Correale: