Chrysotile asbestos

Chemical: Chrysotile asbestos
CRC recommended to the COP for inclusion in Annex III: CRC 1 (February 2005)
CRC approved the Draft Decision Guidance Document: Adopted by CRC 2 (February 2006)
COP considered for inclusion in Annex III:
COP 3 (October 2006), COP 4 (October 2008), COP 5 (June 2011), COP 6 (May 2013), COP 7 (May 2015), COP 8 (May 2017), COP 9 (May 2019), COP 10 (June 2022), COP 11 (May 2023)

Chrysotile asbestos is a candidate chemical in the category of industrial chemicals that has been recommended by the Chemicals Review Committee (CRC) for listing in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention but for which the Conference of the Parties (COP) has not yet been able to reach consensus.

The COP, at its 3rd meeting in 2006, adopted a decision on chrysotile asbestos (Decision RC-3/3), which, among others, encourages Parties to make use of all available information to make informed decisions regarding its import and management, and to inform other Parties of those decisions, using the information exchange provisions laid down in Article 14 of the Rotterdam Convention. COP3 also decided that the agenda for its next ordinary meeting shall include further consideration of a draft decision to amend Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention to include chrysotile asbestos. 

COP4 adopted a decision on chrysotile asbestos (Decision RC-4/4) deciding that the agenda for its next ordinary meeting shall include further consideration of a draft decision to amend Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention to include chrysotile asbestos. COP5 was also not able to reach consensus and agreed to annex a draft decision to its report, which is set out in annex IV to the COP 5 report (document UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.5/26). COP6, COP7, COP8, COP9, COP 10, and COP 11 decided to defer further consideration of the chemical to their corresponding subsequent meeting.

The Secretariat publishes the information received from the Parties on chrysotile asbestos in the Appendix VI, Information exchange on chemicals recommended by the Chemical Review Committee for listing in Annex III but for which the Conference of the Parties has yet to take a final decision, of the PIC Circular.

COP decisions on consideration of chrysotile asbestos for listing in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention

Document Symbol
COP Decision RC-3/3 Inclusion of chrysotile asbestos in Annex III to the Convention
COP Decision RC-4/4 Inclusion of chrysotile asbestos in Annex III to the Convention

CRC rationale and recommendation

The Chemical Review Committee recommended to the Conference of the Parties that it should include chrysotile asbestos in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention (Annex I, document UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.1/28).

Document Symbol
Annex I A
Annex I - A. Rationale for the recommendation that chrysotile asbestos (CAS No. 12001-29-5) should become subject to the prior informed consent procedure and to establish an intersessional drafting group to prepare a draft decision guidance document
Annex I B
Annex I - B. Recommendation to the Conference of the Parties on the inclusion of chrysotile asbestos in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention

Draft DGD adopted by CRC2

Document Symbol
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.2/19 Consideration of the draft decision guidance document for chrysotile asbestos
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.2/INF/5 Consideration of the draft decision guidance document for chrysotile asbestos: Report of the World Health Organization Workshop on Mechanisms of Fibre Carcinogenesis and Assessment of Chrysotile Asbestos Substitutes

Notifications and supporting documentation on chrysotile asbestos reviewed by the CRC

Document Symbol
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.1/26 Chrysotile asbestos: Notifications of final regulatory actions to ban or severely restrict a chemical: Chrysotile Asbestos
UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.1/26/Add.5 Chrysotile asbestos: Additional notification from Switzerland
UNEP/FAO/PIC/CRC1/26.Add.1 Chrysotile asbestos: Supporting documentation from Australia
UNEP/FAO/PIC/CRC1/26.Add.2 Chrysotile asbestos: Supporting documentation from Chile
UNEP/FAO/PIC/CRC1/26.Add.3 Chrysotile asbestos: Supporting documentation from the European Community
UNEP/FAO/PIC/CRC1/26.Add.4 Chrysotile asbestos: supporting documentation from Latvia
UNEP/FAO/PIC/CRC1/26.Add.6 Chrysotile asbestos: Supporting documentation from Switzerland

Information received from Parties on regulatory status of chrysotile asbestos in their territory

Items: 2Load time table: 405.5964 msec 
European UnionFollow-up to Decision RC-3/3 Inclusion of Chrysotile Asbestos in Annex III to the Convention - Regulatory status in the EU294.34 K
SwitzerlandFollow-up to Decision RC-3/3 Inclusion of Chrysotile Asbestos in Annex III to the Convention - Regulatory status in Switzerland348.27 K

Information on management of chrysotile asbestos

Items: 10Load time table: 577.2066 msec 
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 1: Commercial Paper - Rollboard - Millboard - Asbestos Pipeline Wrap - Beater-Add Gaskets. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.04 MB
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 2: High-Grade Electrical Paper - Roofing Felt - Filler for Acetylene Cylinders - Flooring Felt - Corrugated Paper - Specialty Paper. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.796.52 K
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 3: Vinyl-Asbestos Floor Tile - Asbestos Diaphragms - Asbestos-Cement Pipe and Fittings. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.17 MB
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 4: Asbestos-Cement Flat Sheet - Corrugated Asbestos-Cement Sheet. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.909.25 K
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos: Part 5: Asbestos-Cement Shingles - Drum Brake Linings. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.04 MB
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 6: Disc Brake Pads (Light/Medium Vehicles) - Disc Brake Pads (Heavy Vehicles) - Brake Blocks - Clutch Facings. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.03 MB
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 7: Automatic Transmission Friction Components - Friction Materials - Asbestos Protective Clothing. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.563.78 K
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 8: Asbestos Textiles. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.23 MB
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 9: Sheet Gaskets - Asbestos Packings - Roof Coatings and Cements. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.29 MB
United States of AmericaAlternatives to Asbestos - Part 10: Non-Roofing Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings - Asbestos-Reinforced Plastics - Missile Liner - Extruded Sealant Tape - Asbestos Separators in Fuel Cells and Batteries - Asbestos Arc Chutes. Document: Regulatory Impact Analysis of Controls on Asbestos and Asbestos Products. Final Report - Volume III - Appendix F.1.17 MB

List of websites providing additional information: 

The following websites provide additional information to assist Parties who have yet to join the consensus on chrysotile asbestos or those requiring assistance in managing the use of the substance in their countries, published as requested by COP-5: