The form is divided into seven sections covering the information requirements of Annex V of the Convention. The substantive information in sections 1,2,4,5 and 6 can be taken from the notification of final regulatory action, which was submitted by the Designated National Authority (DNA) of the notifying country at the time when the chemical was banned or severely restricted.
On the first page of the form, a reference number may be assigned which will help in tracking the export notification and in the preparation of the associated acknowledgment.
The last page of the form may be used to acknowledge receipt of an export notification. This page is to be signed by the Designated National Authority of the importing country and sent to the DNA of the exporting country.
If a chemical preparation is exported, Section 2 of the form must be completed including detailed information on the identity of each substance and its concentration in the preparation.
A copy of a safety data sheet attached to the export notification form and including the information set out in Sections 4 and 5 is sufficient to cover the required information in these Sections.
Export Notification Form

Explanatory notes on Form