Projet de programme de travail pour l’exercice biennal 2024-2025

Le Comité de contrôle du respect soumet des rapports à chaque réunion ordinaire de la Conférence des Parties reflétant, entre autres, son futur programme de travail, y compris le calendrier des réunions prévues qu'il juge nécessaires à l'exécution de son programme de travail.

Le Comité de contrôle du respect lors de sa première réunion a élaboré son projet de programme de travail pour l’exercice biennal 2024-2025, sur la base du programme de travail pour l'exercice biennal 2022-2023.

Pour faciliter l'examen du projet de programme de travail par la Conférence des Parties, les nouvelles activités et le nouveau texte ont été clairement indiqués, qui peuvent être consultés ici (disponible en anglais).

Projet de programme de travail pour le Comité de contrôle du respect pour l’exercice biennal 2024-2025

I. Examen des problèmes systématiques de respect général de la Convention

Systemic issue of general compliance to be addressed


1.      Laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Convention (Article 15 (1) and other provisions)

Monitor, based on information from Parties, the laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures adopted to implement the Rotterdam Convention;

Based on information from Parties, identify and review, difficulties relating to laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Rotterdam Convention;

Develop recommendations for consideration by the Conference of the Parties on steps that could be taken by Parties, the Conference of the Parties, the Compliance Committee and others to improve the laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Convention.

2.      Notification of final regulatory actions (Article 5)

Based on information from Parties, including from a questionnaire circulated to Parties, identify and review issues being faced by Parties in relation to the notification of final regulatory actions, including a quantitative and qualitative analysis, and in particular with regards to the information requirements set out in Annex I to the Convention

Develop recommendations for consideration of the Conference of the Parties on steps that could be taken by Parties, the Conference of the Parties, the Compliance Committee and others to support Parties with the notification of final regulatory actions.

3.      Exports and imports of chemicals listed in Annex III (Articles 10 and 11)

Based on information from Parties that have yet to transmit any import responses for the chemicals listed in Annex III, review challenges faced by importing Parties with submitting import responses

Develop recommendations for consideration by the Conference of the Parties on steps that could be taken by Parties, the Conference of the Parties, the Compliance Committee and others to support importing Parties in submitting import responses

Undertake further work to identify challenges being faced by exporting Parties with ensuring that exporters within their jurisdiction comply with import responses.

4.      Export notifications (Article 12)

Undertake further work to identify challenges being faced by Parties in relation to the provision of export notifications and the acknowledgement of receipt thereof

5.      Information exchange (Article 14)

Undertake further work to identify options to improve information sharing with Parties , as well as analyse use thereof by Parties and other stakeholders

Based on information from Parties, consider options to encourage and facilitate exchange of experiences, in particular between developing countries, on implementation of the Convention and develop recommendations for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting on options to encourage and facilitate such information exchange, in particular between developing countries, on implementation of the Convention. Such an activity could also take into account, as appropriate, related activities such as work under the dissemination strategy for obtaining and using information to effectively address obligations and procedures under the Rotterdam Convention, so as to avoid duplication of efforts and build on existing or planned activities.

6.      Information Submission

Improve timely and complete submission of information pursuant to the provisions of the Convention

Monitor developments related to the integration by Parties of their information submission needs in actions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks, in particular interlinkages with and the relation to the Rotterdam Convention.

7.      Enhanced cooperation with the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention

Enhance cooperation with the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention to facilitate compliance through the exchange of information between the committees on activities, operations and processes of joint interest, including as appropriate joint sessions of the meetings of the committees, and make recommendations to the Conference of the Parties

II. Communications spécifiques

1. The Committee shall continue to accord priority to dealing with specific submissions regarding Party compliance received or initiated in accordance with paragraph 12 of Annex VII to the Convention.

2. The Committee shall explore lessons from implementation and compliance bodies of other multilateral environmental agreements that could inform the initiation of the work of the Committee pursuant to paragraph 13 of Annex VII to the Convention.