Task groups for candidate chemicals to be reviewed at CRC-8
Task Groups are created by the CRC to undertake a preliminary review of each candidate chemical scheduled for consideration by the CRC at its 8th meeting.
Each Task Group prepares a report which includes their assessment of whether the individual notifications meet the criteria set out in the Convention. The initial review by the Task Group is intended to facilitate the work of the Committee and does not replace the requirement for each of the candidate chemicals to be considered by the entire Committee.
The draft reports posted below are the result of intersessional work by Task Groups and are to be finalized at the Task Group pre-meeting, which will be held on Sunday, 18 March 2012. These Task Group pre-meetings are open to all Committee members as well as to observers.
The final reports from the Task Groups will be made available to the whole Committee as electronic Conference Room Papers (CRP).
(Varembé Conference Centre, Rue de Varembé 9, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland)
15:00 - 16:00 Task group meeting: Dicofol
16:00 - 17:00 Task group meeting: Trichlorfon
Draft reports
Draft report-trichlorfon 
Draft report-dicofol 
Analysis table-dicofol