
Technical Assistance is provided under the Rotterdam Convention to developing- country Parties and Parties with economies in transition in order to assist them in building their capacity in terms of human resources, policy, legal and institutional frameworks. It includes for instance the provision of information, training and practical tools such as guidance documents. In short, it serves as a catalyzer for Parties to fulfill their obligations under the Convention with a view to protect human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals.

Delivering technical assistance of the Rotterdam Convention
Technical Assistance Interactive Tools – Strengthening capacities through global information sharing

The interactive map, provides a visual overview of the technical assistance of the Convention. The map allows users to explore the activities implemented in the PIC regions, compare figures and activities in order to have a comprehensive overview of the Convention's work.


Rotterdam Convention quiz - Test your knowledge

How much do you know about the Rotterdam Convention? Test your knowledge by taking our 5-question quiz. Read each question carefully and choose the response(s) that you consider is (are) right.

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Strengthening countries’ capacities through global information-sharing

Technical assistance is provided upon request and according to the specific needs of the Parties. Supported by UNEP and FAO’s regional, subregional and country offices as well as various partners, it is delivered through face-to-face and online training on a national or regional level.


For technical assistance requests, please contact Jost Dittkrist (jost.dittkrist@un.org) and/or the Secretariat’s regional focal points listed here.